Exhibitor FAQs

General Information

Where is the 2025 OR Manager Conference taking place?

The 2025 OR Manager Conference is taking place at the Anaheim Convention Center (ACC North) in Anaheim, California.

What are the dates of the conference?

The conference takes place October 28-30, 2025, with pre-conference workshops and the Reverse Expo taking place on October 27, 2025. The Periop Networking & Innovation Hub (exhibit hall) will be open on October 28-29, 2025.

What are the Move-In hours?

Sunday, October 26: 1:00 pm-5:00 pm (Show Mgmt Approval Required)
Monday, October 27: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Tuesday, October 28: 8:00 am-12:00 pm

What are the Periop Networking & Innovation Hub (exhibit hall) hours?

Tuesday, October 28: 2:00 pm-6:00 pm
Wednesday, October 29: 11:00 am-3:30 pm

What are the Move-Out hours?

Wednesday, October 29: 3:30 pm-8:30 pm
Thursday, October 30: 8:00 am-12:00 pm

What is included with my booth?
  • Designated booth space with a back and side drape for inline booths
  • Three (3) exhibitor booth passes per 100 sq. ft. of exhibit space
  • One (1) exhibitor conference pass (includes access to sessions across Monday-Wednesday) per 100 sq. ft. of exhibit space
  • Discounts on conference and booth-only passes outside of your allotment
  • Company listing in all published marketing materials where exhibits are mentioned.
  • Inclusion in our Networking Competition, driving additional traffic to your booth.
  • Highlight your giveaways! Tell us what you will be offering at your booth (via the MapYourShow Exhibitor Resource Center), driving additional traffic to your booth.
Do we have to provide proof of insurance coverage?

Yes, per section 21 of the Exhibit Space Contract that you signed, all exhibitors are required to provide proof of insurance coverage in advance of the event. The COI should list Access Intelligence as the Certificate Holder and show the following coverage: (1) Commercial general liability insurance coverage (minimum of $1,000,000 USD), including protective and contractual liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage, (2) employers liability insurance; (3) worker’s compensation/occupational disease coverage in full compliance with federal and state laws, (4) comprehensive general liability automobile insurance covering owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles, including loading and unloading hazards.

Who should we send the COI to?

The COI (Certificate of Insurance) can be sent to Anne McConahey (amcconahey@accessintel.com).

Housing Questions

How do I make hotel reservations for OR Manager Conference?

Reservations can be made directly with Connections Housing, our official housing provider, online or by calling them at 615-208-3914 or email at ormc@connectionshousing.com. We are offering a choice of 11 resorts local to the Anaheim Convention Center.

I need a block of 10 or more rooms for my company. What is the best way to handle?

Please complete the group booking form online and Connections Housing will be in touch to secure your rooms.

I was contacted by XYZ housing company regarding hotel rooms for OR Manager Conference. Is this legitimate?

Unless the email came directly from the OR Manager team or Connections Housing, they are NOT affiliated with the conference. Please be vigilant if approached by any company that implies or claims to be an official housing provider of the 2025 OR Manager Conference. We have been made aware of housing companies or travel agencies that may be pursuing you or your company to book guest rooms through their company. Our ONLY housing provider is Connections Housing.

What is the official cut-off date for hotel reservations?

Monday, October 6. After this day, Connections Housing will still be able to assist you, but the number of hotels and the available rate will be more limited. We encourage you to book early to secure the best deal at your ideal location.

Are there shuttles provided to/from the hotels?

No, all hotels are within walking distance of the Anaheim Convention Center. However, if needed, taxis, Ubers and Lyfts are available for transportation.

Exhibitor Services/Freeman Questions

Who is the General Services Contractor (Decorator) for the conference?

Freeman Exhibitor Services is the General Services Contractor. You will be notified when the exhibitor services manual is available.

Where can I find the Exhibitor Services Manual?

The exhibitor service manual can be found on Freeman Online. You will be notified when it is available.

When can I ship my materials to the Freeman Advance Warehouse?


What is the Advance Warehouse address?


When can I ship directly to the Anaheim Convention Center?


Do I need to provide floor covering for my booth?

Yes, all booths must have floor covering. Any booth without floor covering will be provided flooring and the exhibiting company will be responsible for all related costs.

How do I have Freeman pick up my empty containers once I’m done unpacking?

Empty stickers are available at the service desk. Once your container is ready to be removed, place the sticker on it and Freeman will pick it up. At the close of the show, Freeman will begin returning the containers.

Is union labor required for installation/dismantle of the exhibit booths?


Are we allowed to carry items into the Periop Networking & Innovation Hub (exhibit hall) ourselves?

Exhibitors may hand carry their own materials into the exhibit space. The use of flat trucks or other mechanical equipment is not permitted.

What are the maximum height limits?

Please refer to the Exhibitor Services Manual. You will be notified when this is available.

How many badges come with my exhibit space?

For every 100 sq. ft. of space, you receive three (3) exhibitor booth passes, and one (1) exhibitor conference pass. Conference passes grant access to educational sessions throughout the conference Monday through Wednesday. Additional passes beyond your allotment may be purchased at discounted rates: $45 for exhibitor booth-only passes, and $599 for exhibitor conference passes.

Registration Questions

How do I register my booth staff?

Visit the registration portal here. Select your company name from the drop-down menu, and enter the password provided by the OR Manager Conference team. Need help finding your password? Email Melissa Helms at mhelms@accessintel.com. Alternatively, you can access the registration portal via the Exhibitor Resource Center on MapYourShow, which will be available shortly.

Are booth personnel able to attend the conference sessions?

Only exhibitor representatives with Exhibitor Conference Passes are able to attend conference sessions. Should you need more Conference Passes, they may be purchased for $599 through the registration portal.

Can I pick up all of my staff badges at once?

In order to pick up all of your staff badges at once, please send a request to Melissa Helms at mhelms@accessintel.com by October 22. Please note, there is a $25 reprint fee for any badges requested once your group has been printed.

1. Group pick-up is for ALL of your badges registered through the exhibitor portal. If you only need a few of your badges, please email mhelms@accessintel.com for more information.
2. If you have speakers in your group, those badges can be picked up at the registration desk. We will not print speaker badges for your team.
3. You are responsible for coordinating a pick-up location with your team. Everyone is required to wear a badge on the exhibit hall floor.
4. There is a $25 reprint fee for any badges being requested once your group has been printed.

I need to swap out a member for someone else. Is that permitted?

Yes, in advanced of OR Manager Conference, you will be able to make that change in the registration portal. Substitution may be made at any time for the confirmed registrants of OR Manager Conference 2025; however printed badges are non-transferable once collected at the conference. Notice of substitution must be made in writing by the original registrant. However, if the badge you are attempting to swap has already been picked up, we will not be able to make a change.

Marketing Questions

How do I update my Company Listing online?

Your customer listing can be updated in the Exhibitor Resource Center. Please stay tuned for additional details when it is released.

What other marketing opportunities are included with our booth?

In the Exhibitor Resource Center, you will be able to:
– Promote your presence at the 2025 OR manager Conference and access digital banners and logos to invite clients and prospects.
– Upgrade your listing (if you have not already done so) to list your products, giveaways, and marketing materials in your exhibitor listing.
– Spread the word about your appearance through our campaign with Snoball, allowing your company’s key contact to easily share and distribute unique registration links and earn perks for your engagement.

Is the attendee list available to exhibitors?

No, we do not make the attendee list available due to privacy concerns for our attendees. We do offer the opportunity to send a pre- or post-show email blast for a fee, and will be sent out by the OR Manager Conference team. Please contact April Bruffy at abruffy@accessintel.com for more information. Additionally, attendees can be viewed in the conference mobile app, which will be available 1-2 weeks prior to the conference.

I received an email offering to sell me the attendee list. Is this a legitimate offer?

No, we have heard of companies reaching out to our exhibitors offering to sell them the attendee list. Please know that these vendors are NOT affiliated with OR Manager Conference/Access Intelligence, and therefore do not have access to the attendee list.

I am interested in becoming a sponsor, who should I speak to regarding available options?

Please contact April Bruffy at abruffy@accessintel.com to identify sponsorship options or customize a sponsorship that will provide you with maximum exposure pre-, during, and post-conference.